If you are paying with dining points and you have dining points to spare, then going to adeles is a good option. It is not worth it if you are going to use real money. The food looks better than it tastes, nothing too special but still a nice treat to have once in a while. The crab cake has a lot of filler and the crab dip doesnt really have much crab in it. They still both taste alright but I would not spend real money.
If you are paying with dining points and you have dining points to spare, then going to adeles is a good option. It is not worth it if you are going to use real money. The food looks better than it tastes, nothing too special but still a nice treat to have once in a while. The crab cake has a lot of filler and the crab dip doesnt really have much crab in it. They still both taste alright but I would not spend real money.